Kai President
High Dan Board
Special Appointments

Soke John and Soke-dai Reid
Soke-Dai Reid Brasher, 5th Dan
•Kai Director
International Matsumura Seito Society
•RyuHa Master
Shorin Ryu Matsumura Soken Do
Sylacauga, Alabama
Assistant Kai Director:
Soke John Primeaux, 8th Dan
•Assistant Kai Director
International Matsumura Seito Society
•Founder, RyuHa Master
San Yama Ryu Bujutsu
Lafayette, Louisiana
2021 High Dan Board:
Soke-Dai Reid Brasher, 5th Dan (de facto)
Soke Dan Gabus 9th Dan
Soke Butch Lambert 9th Dan
Soke John Primeaux, 8th Dan
Soke-Dai Chad Matt, 6th Dan

Soke-dai Chad, Soke John, Soke Butch, Soke-dai Reid, Soke Dan
2021 Special Appointments:
Soke Wes Craft, 10th Dan – Advisor
Soke John Primeaux, 8th Dan – IMSS Official Chaplain

Hanshi Wes Craft and Soke-dai Reid Brasher